Rape is used by psychiatrist Karadzic’s troops as a tactic of war; after they take a village, the raping begins.
As practiced by the Serbian militia, “ethnic cleansing” means ridding a geographical area of unwanted — i.e., ethnically and racially “inferior” — people. These are Muslims, Croats and, in some cases, other groups such as Albanians.
“Cleansing” an area is done by militarily taking it over, rounding up the minorities, then driving them out of their homeland or simply killing them.
In other words, in 1993 it is the same old “racial hygiene” practiced by the same old philosophical descendants of the core of Nazi psychiatry. The only thing new is the label.
So far, an estimated 110,000 people have died as a result of ethnic cleansing programs, while more than 1.5 million have been driven from their homes. It has been estimated that the Serbs in Bosnia are still holding 600,000 people captive in concentration camp-like facilities: old buildings or athletic fields converted into detention or interrogation centers.
The methods used to drive people from their homes, towns, and states consist of installing enough fear in them that they flee, leaving behind their homes and most of their belongings.
For example, the Serbian militia will take over a town and then round up the leaders, businessmen and professionals in the Muslim community, primarily the men. These men are then marched through the town and off to detention camps where they are kept in inhuman conditions.
Many are interrogated, beaten, tortured, mutilated and killed. Sometimes, they are murdered en masse and dumped in ravines or mass graves.
In a typical Muslim community, the leaders are selected for extermination so that there is no one left to reorganize the community or to put together any resistance. It is also done to weaken the racial “stock” of the people.
Word of the atrocities and murders — if not the actual sights and sounds — spreads rapidly through other Muslim communities, instilling terror. Those remaining Muslims then round up their families and whatever possessions they can carry and flee.
Included in the atrocities of ethnic cleansing are reports of at least 50,000 — and possibly up to 100,000 — girls and women raped. After being rounded up, the females are held in schools, hotels or homes, repeatedly raped, and often turned into concubines for the soldiers.
Reports indicate that the rapes are systematically done to defile young Muslim women and to impregnate them so that they will not be accepted back into their community.
Many of the women have been killed after being raped.