
n recent years, the Church of Scientology has published a series of publications to make itself known, provide information about its activities, and clear up any misconceptions about the Scientology religion.
One of these is the definitive reference work on Scientology: What Is Scientology?, an 833-page volume that describes the philosophy and beliefs, catechism, creeds and codes, services and scriptures of the Scientology religion.
The book came about because of strong public interest in the Scientology religion and the Church and the need for accurate and complete information. Thousands of hours of research went into this comprehensive work that gives a full description of Scientology and its activities.
You can purchase your own copy of What Is Scientology?, the encyclopedic reference on Scientology, in either hardback or softcover, by writing to the Church of Scientology International, 6331 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 1200, Los Angeles, CA 90028. Complimentary copies are available to religious leaders, government officials and members of the news media at this address.