By Reverend Yvette Shank
President Church of Scientology

he world changed on September 11. We have heard the refrain over and over.
In many respects it is very true. While America bore the brunt of the attacks, the effects of that day are being felt around the world. And all of us sensed that we entered a threatening new world that morning.
In reality, however, September 11 did not signal a new world. It merely woke us up to the reality of our existing oneand the reality that we are, like it or not, tied to events and circumstances that happen in remote corners of the globe.
Ironically, the terrorism had one result clearly unintended by its authors: a nearly universal appeal for tolerance and unity, and more willingness in our communities to help others.
In Canada, such willingness is expressed not just at home but anywhere help is neededas exemplified in our cover story featuring the contribution of Canadians at the heart of relief operations in New York City.
Our new awareness of the world, however, brings another realization that the more present dangers lie not in what terrorists might do to us, but in how we deal with our own fears and prejudices, and the ever present ills within our own communities.
We have long been under attack by more familiar, if more insidious foes: a few blocks walk in any direction from most homes and one or more of societys predominant illsdrugs, crime, immorality and illiteracywill be evident in some form. Today, many children grow up believing these are merely an integral part of living. And a society weakened and debilitated by such ills is in no position to respond adequately to world events and is more likely to collapse under the weight of intolerance, violence, criminality and war.
Only through a multicultural, multi-institutional attack on these ills can we elevate our communities and society to a level that will guarantee long-term survival and the happiness of our future generations.
This edition of Freedom is about making that future possible.
It is about making our society stronger and better than before. We present not only the hope of a better world but means of making it. Something can be done about it.
In addition to the efforts of Scientology Volunteer Ministers at Ground Zero in New York and Washington, we carry news on successful drug rehabilitation and education, and endeavors to improve human rights.
We also necessarily explore conditions in our society that must be reformed in order to guarantee that better future. It is for such a reason we bring you an exclusive investigative report supported by the Fund for Investigative Journalism in Washington, D.C., which lifts the curtain on a homemade tragedy, hidden from Canadians for decadesuntil now. Told in two related stories, the chilling truth about psychiatric human experimentation and abuse reminds us all that curtains can be deceiving indeed, and that vigilance is a keynote of a safe society.
We welcome your comments and views, and also stand ready to provide you and your community assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us.