Over the years, the Church has published many special books and booklets on the life of L. Ron Hubbard to make information about the founder of Dianetics and Scientology widely available to the millions of Scientologists and others who want to know more about him.
In just the past two years, several new publications have portrayed—in detail never before available—different aspects of Mr. Hubbard’s prodigiously productive professional life and brought him closer to those who have benefited from his works.
Images of a Lifetime
L. Ron Hubbard once said, “To know life, you’ve got to be a part of life, you’ve got to get down there and look, you must get into the nooks and crannies of existence.”
Images of a Lifetime, an extraordinary photographic biography which had its international release in 1996, reveals that L. Ron Hubbard was indisputably speaking from experience: the 434 photographs displayed in the collection portray the life of a man who clearly looked into more corners of existence than many men fit into a dozen lifetimes.
From his childhood in the Far West, adventures as the country’s youngest Eagle Scout, travels through Asia as a young man, service in World War II, and images from many times and places in between, the collection conveys a very personal view of an extremely full life.
The book was developed from a touring exhibit by the same name which was composed from a collection of more than 50,000 photographs. That exhibit itself is part of a larger project which has already consumed more than six years—the research and writing of a definitive biography.
Many of the photographs were taken by Mr. Hubbard, himself an accomplished photographer whose work appeared in National Geographic and other publications.
For all that has been said about L. Ron Hubbard, nothing speaks of the man quite as eloquently as the photographs contained in Images of a Lifetime.
L. Ron Hubbard: A Profile
The Church also released L. Ron Hubbard: A Profile, which documents the life and accomplishments of this most remarkable man—humanitarian, educator, administrator, artist, philosopher and founder of the Scientology religion—and the impact of his life’s work on millions of people the world over.
Its 130 pages convey the scope of the life of the man who provided solutions to the most devastating problems of our civilization and discovered the spiritual path to the most cherished dreams of people everywhere. And between its pages is an introduction to the spirit of the man whom millions call their best friend.
Available in 14 languages, including English, German, Danish, Norwegian, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian, the booklet is the result of thousands of hours of research and documentation. It includes a year-by-year chronicle of highlights of Mr. Hubbard’s life and fascinating stories behind many of his major discoveries in the fields of philosophy, religion, art, education, administration, crime and drug rehabilitation.
It also explores some of the other fascinating and perhaps not as frequently discussed corners of a highly remarkable life.
Magazine Series on L. Ron Hubbard
A series of special publications has also been produced about various aspects of the life of L. Ron Hubbard.
L. Ron Hubbard: Ethics, Justice & Civilization, covers breakthroughs in ethics, justice and civilization which Mr. Hubbard shared with the world.
Of particular note is the chronicle of how Mr. Hubbard solved the biggest single mystery regarding criminality. There is not a criminal in the world, he tells us, whose life of crime cannot be traced to a loss of self-respect.
Mr. Hubbard resolved the enigma of criminality and discovered technology by which even seemingly incorrigible criminals can, step by step, place themselves back on the road to honesty, decency and self-respect. These findings are summarized in the 88 fast-paced pages of Ethics, Justice & Civilization.
Breakthroughs in Education
Beginning with a fascinating description of Mr. Hubbard’s own experiences in education and culminating in his breakthroughs in the field—some of the most innovative and successful methods employed today—L. Ron Hubbard: Education, Literacy & Civilization is both informative and a highly useful tool. The study and teaching techniques detailed can be employed by parents, teachers, employers—anyone concerned with teaching or learning.
You’ll discover the 10 instructional guidelines upon which any successful education depends. And why in the halls of industry, corporations such as General Motors, Mobil Oil and hundreds more swear by Mr. Hubbard’s study methods.
Exploring a Revolution in Drug Prevention and Treatment
Condemning drugs as the “single most destructive element present in our current culture,” Mr. Hubbard offered a solution to a social problem that has since proven workable many thousands of times over.
In a new publication, L. Ron Hubbard: Rehabilitating a Drugged Society, you can read about his exploration into the genesis of drug abuse. His revolutionary breakthroughs in effective drug rehabilitation methods are analyzed and commented upon by leading authorities.
In this, the most recent in a series of specialized publications on various aspects of the life of L. Ron Hubbard, what leads people to begin taking drugs is explained, along with how the use of these substances interferes with communication skills, comprehension and ability—and how the body can be detoxified.
The Church of Scientology continues to make information about the Church and its founder known and broadly available. Freedom will bring its readers updates on this work and also provide news on additional books, booklets and magazines as they are released.
For further information on Images of a Lifetime or the other publications described here, contact the Church of Scientology of Los Angeles at: 4810 Sunset Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90027. Phone: (323) 953-3200.
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