One Voice for Tolerance and Human Rights
From diverse social, ethnic and religious backgrounds they came together to the LA Human Rights Multathlon events. In one voice, they echo the need for tolerance and understanding in every community.

Irving Sarnoff, Founder and President, Friends of the United Nations
Most people do not know about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And when you do not know what your human rights are, it is very easy for governmental structures to ignore the basic rights of its citizens.
I have been involved in all the Marathons sponsored by the Church of Scientology, as a result of which millions of copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have been distributed all over the world. No other church has done that kind of a contribution promoting the Declaration. I wish all the other religions would take that as an example.
— Irving Sarnoff
Founder and President, Friends of the United Nations
The diversity of Los Angeles is what makes it the most exciting city in the country. I love this place, because everything that happens in this country happens here first, and it happens here fastest.
We are like the science lab for the rest of the country. And an event like this allows us to share among our diverse selves the interesting things about being diverse — the food, the neighborhoods, the language, the literature, the music. This is the place to be. Many of our residents stay kind of encapsulated in their own community. So they miss all the fun of the diversity. The advantage of a multi-cultural event is that everybody gets to share.
— Ruth Galanter
6th District Councilwoman Los Angeles

Eric Garcetti, 13th District Councilman, Los Angeles
We are an experiment here in Los Angeles. Where we go, I think the world goes. There’s no place that has that diversity, all together. So if we can’t come together and live together and celebrate together, then the world can’t. So every time we’re able to do this, it gives great hope for the entire world to be able to do what we’re doing here today.
All of us that are fighting to protect human rights throughout the world know that the difficult work of translating it to the places that we work, the places that we live, to every school, to every work place, needs an army of people. I’m proud to be a part of that human rights army throughout the world.
— Eric Garcetti
13th District Councilman Los Angeles
“Human rights must be made a fact, not an idealistic dream.”
— Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard
Living in Los Angeles, as we do, we see all the different ethnic groups. As a strong advocate of human rights, the Church of Scientology is setting an example for all of us. We particularly appreciate that, because in civil rights work we have to get people to understand and respect the dignity of the individual.
The Church of Scientology is doing a great job in bringing us together, in helping us to see that peace can start with us. Human rights are for all people. We are all entitled to it and we all should work to make it possible.
— Geraldine Washington
President NAACP Los Angeles
It is very important that organizations, government, people come together. And raise awareness about the importance of knowing about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to make sure that we find ways of applying it, practicing it every single day. I hope that the publicity that will be generated both by the work that the Church of Scientology and other organizations are doing in regard to human rights will in fact reach out to all people here in Los Angeles, and to United States.
We have to work together across all lines, when it comes to religions, so that people understand that human rights is applicable to every single person. So every person, every group, every church’s work is very important.
— Claudine Mtshali
South African Consulate-General Los Angeles
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
All churches or temples or mosques — anyone who has faith — should move forward and join hands with others, whatever their religion. I salute any institution that works with all people to try to bring about the spirit of kindness, the spirit of recognition of others, the spirit of the beauty of love of people.
— Tom LaBonge
4th District Councilman Los Angeles

Rev. Leonard Jackson, President, LA Council of Churches
In the field of human rights, the Church of Scientology has placed a footprint in the sands of time. I have traveled to Europe to speak out against suppression, and we must always come together, not only here in this nation but worldwide. To show the world that we can live together, we can work together and we can uplift each other. If we do not set the standards here in the United States, then we do not have the right to tell the rest of the world how to live or what to do. So we salute the Church of Scientology, and support, and will continue to support them and the nation in moving forward with civil rights for all.
— Rev. Leonard Jackson
President LA Council of Churches
I believe in the work that the Church of Scientology and others are doing in the community to create tolerance. I believe they’re doing a fantastic job. I think that this event today was just spectacular. I think it helped and brought a closeness and unity to all of us of different faiths and different beliefs. I think that the work they’re doing has been tremendously blessed by God, and I believe in what they’re doing.
— Scottie Gray
NAACP Los Angeles

Nirinjan Singh Khalsa, Sikh Dharma of Southern California
I view the work the Church of Scientology is doing, which the community greatly appreciates by the way, as being very important. I view any time that anybody joins together and rallies the community together to speak on issues of human rights, and reminds the greater America — not just even Los Angeles — about their obligations of human rights, I think that’s very important.
— Nirinjan Singh Khalsa,
Sikh Dharma of Southern California