erman officials who have called for discriminatory and oppressive measures against Scientologistssuch as Labor Minister Norbert Blüm, Family Minister Claudia Nolte, Minister of Parliament Johannes Gerster, all of the Christian Democratic Union, claim to be people of faith, true to their Christian ideals. Their relationships with the established Christian churches in Germany are extremely close; Blüm is even a Catholic theologian. The point is, these politicians all claim to be good, God-fearing Christians.
Such claims call certain questions to mind.
Would Jesus Christ have people fired from their jobs because of their religion?
Would He deny individuals membership in political parties because of their religious beliefs?
Would He deny bank accounts, licenses to operate businesses, and business contracts to individuals of religions unlike his?
Would He have children thrown out of kindergarten because of the religion of their parents?
And if all of this was happening, would He advocate silence until more or worse occurred because of the religious beliefs of those affected?
To any rational person, the answers to these questions are obvious. But apparently not to these German officialsthe very ones who claim to follow Christs lead.
They need to reacquaint themselves with their scriptures. Starting with Love thy Neighbor.