The 1996 Freedom Human Rights Leadership Awards will feature individuals who have distinguished themselves through exemplary contributions to human rights in the following areas:
* Freedom of Speech and Expression
* Freedom of Information
* Government Reform
* Childrens Rights
* Mental Health Reform
* Religious Freedom
* Social Justice
Freedom welcomes your nominations. Include in your proposal:
1. Your full name, address and phone number and those of the person you are nominating;
2. The persons current job/position, as well as any past positions held;
3. Specifically what the person has done that qualifies him/her for Freedoms Human Rights Leadership Award; and
4. Documentation to show his or her contributions to human rights.
Send full details to:
Human Rights Leadership Awards
Freedom Magazine
6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90028-6329Past winners in the Freedom of Speech and Expression category have included Paul McMasters, executive director of the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center, U.S. Representative Don Edwards and Jack Anderson, syndicated columnist.
U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy and U.S. Representative John Moss, known as the Father of the Freedom of Infromation Act, are among the former awardees in the Freedom Information category.
Dr. Arthur A. Fletcher, then chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and the Reverend Cecil L. Chip Murray are among the past Social Justice winners.
Contact Freedom now for your reservations to this years awards dinner, either by writing to the address above or by calling (323) 960-3500.