Labeling is a psychiatric technique aimed at sticking a group or an individual in a certain position in the public mind.
One of the tags most commonly used and abused is the word cult. Over the years, it has drifted from its original meanings of a system of religious beliefs and ritual or formal religious veneration or worship to something entirely different and definitely pejorative: a closed, secretive and ill-intentioned group.
This article, written for Freedom in 1969 by
Why do psychiatrists spread lies about the Scientology religion? The answer is obvious. Scientologists produce beneficial, positive results in dealing with the problems that face every human being. Their good works have helped millions of men, women and children achieve happy and productive lives, whereas psychiatrists have produced nothing of benefit for mankind.
In fact, when one looks at what psychiatry has given the world, one finds lobotomies, shock treatment and mind-bending drugs, treatments that destroy the mind and rob individuals of their innate ability to resolve the problems of life.
By seeking to obscure what the Scientology religion is, psychiatrists have instead revealed the truth about themselves.
Psychiatric front group label of Scientology as a cult is only one more mistake by psychiatry.
The work done to uncover the malicious intentions of psychiatry toward man and to wipe out the attack has been and is being done by the directors and staffs of Scientology organizations on five continents and by the millions of Scientologists and friends over the world.
The Scientology movement is not pushed by one man, it is pushed by millions.
If you champion the dignity and freedom of mankind, you are a Scientologist at heart if not by name.
We are no cult. We are the most able technicians in the field of the mind on the planet and are the only skilled experts in this field who can produce uniformly beneficial and permanent good results. We now outnumber psychiatry by about 100 to 1.
We believe in mankind. We can and are helping man, our countries and society.
We are not one man. We are millions and we are everywhere.