For those who have yet to experience the pleasures of a hike, jog or bicycle ride along the trail, I recommend you take the opportunity. Get away from the traffic and enjoy the trees, water and wildlife that line the way and find out why the trail is one of our greatest local treasures.
Local Scouting activities give our young people a head start in life and are another cause for pride. In previous issues of Freedom, we have provided coverage of Boy Scout activities. Here you will learn about the Church of Scientology’s Girl Scout programs, active in the area for years.
We also continue with our popular series on the history of Clearwater, presenting Part 10, covering highlights of local and global events during World War II as time rolls forward.
In this edition you will also find a feature on the courageous men and women at the Clearwater Fire Department and an account of a job well done by one of the Clearwater Police’s brave officers.
There’s much more inside, including the results of ongoing investigations into stories the St. Petersburg Times isn’t telling you, and why. This is the sort of feature that a flood of readers asked for after we published a recent Freedom special edition that exposed misconduct by the Times. If you missed that edition, copies of it, as well as previous issues, are available on request.
As always, I welcome your comments. You have a standing invitation to visit at any time — and I look forward to seeing you.