Ron Hubbard developed numerous applications of his discoveries for the mental and spiritual aspects of a persons physical difficulties. And as more and more techniques evolved, a new body of technology came into use, called Assists.
The ways assists can be applied are almost limitless. They always help and often have miraculous results. Dozens of such techniques exist today for a wide range of conditions.
Assists are actions undertaken to help a person confront physical difficulties. If a child has fallen and hurt himself, an assist can help him overcome the trauma. If a person has a toothache or has had a tooth pulled, an assist can help relieve the pain. When people are ill, assists can ease the discomfort and speed recovery. Even broken bones respond to assists. These and many other conditions can be improved by application of procedures classified under this heading of Assists.
An assist, then, can be described as a Scientology process which is done to alleviate a present time discomfort. A process is an exact series of directions or sequence of actions taken to accomplish a desired result. There are many processes contained in the materials of Scientology, but assists make up a class of processes in themselves.
All Scientology processes address and handle a wide range of conditions affecting the spirit the being himself.
These techniques do not invade the province of medicine or healing. But the results from assists demonstrate conclusively the improvement the individual can make in his own state of well-being.
A special 48-page booklet, Assists for Illnesses and Injuries, contains a more complete description of assists. You can obtain a free copy of Assists for Illnesses and Injuries by writing to:
Public Affairs Director
Church of Scientology
503 Cleveland Street
Clearwater, FL 33755