This special online edition of
Freedom is dedicated to alerting California voters to the disastrous consequences of
Proposition 63, the November 2 ballot initiative that, if passed, will pump hundreds of millions annually into the “mental health” industry by creating a special tax of 1 percent on the income of any California taxpayer who earns over $1 million.
Responsible elected officials such as California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and State Senator Tom McClintock, and newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, Sacramento Bee, San Jose Mercury News, San Diego Union-Tribune and Orange County Register, have come out in opposition to Prop 63 as financially irresponsible and extremely detrimental to the state on financial grounds.
On the other hand, it is key to know that the groups supporting Prop 63 are dominated by those who would benefit the most financially, such as pharmaceutical firms and their lobbyists.
It is most critical that the information in this Freedom be passed on to others so the full picture of this measure’s havoc is understood by all Californians who cast their vote on November 2. Your interest in doing so is encouraged and appreciated.