The Change of My Lifetime
This was written by Michael, 17, a Criminon graduate from Los Angeles. Michaels father, a crack cocaine addict, committed suicide.

ll I knew was the street life.
My father died when I was nine. From all the hurt and pain I began to do what the rest of the kids wanted to do: to join a gang, sell drugs to make money and have a lot of girls to relieve the stress.
One day I got locked up for a crime I did not commit. After being incarcerated for five and a half months, I met Criminon and began to have an educational relationship with this wonderful program. In a short period of time, I began to develop a moral code. Now Im a new man, a changed man, a man who wants to live my life productively and help others who are experiencing what I experienced. I give Criminon a big, big, big thank you for helping me to change my life and start focusing on the good I can do now.
The reason why Criminon is such a wonderful program is because it changed my life, turned me around from a gang member to a peace maker. I feel that a lot of people should try out the Criminon program because this is a chance of a lifetime to be a better person that one never thought he or she could be.