Is there a solution to criminality?
Read L. Ron Hubbard: Ethics, Justice & Civilization
A series of special publications has been produced about various aspects of the life of L. Ron Hubbard. L. Ron Hubbard: Ethics, Justice & Civilization is the most recent in this series.
In it, Mr. Hubbards solution to the biggest single mystery regarding criminality is described. There is not a criminal in the world, he tells us, whose life of crime cannot be traced to a loss of self-respect.
Mr. Hubbard also resolved the enigma of criminality itself and discovered technology by which even seemingly incorrigible criminals can, step by step, place themselves back on the road to honesty, decency and self-respect.
This and much more is available in this 88-page volume. For your complimentary copy, write to: Church of Scientology International, 6331 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 1200, Los Angeles, CA 90028.