he fundamental assumption of human rights is that each individual is a moral and rational being possessing certain inalienable rights. Human rights are based on respect for the individual and his beliefs.
Procedures and laws which protect minorities and give them a meaningful voice are essential to a true democracy.
Restoring and Safeguarding Religious Freedom: A guide to protecting your human rights in Europe is a booklet published as a public service by the Church of Scientology and a coalition of religious and human rights bodies.
It contains a description of the fundamental rights guaranteed by national governments throughout Europe, as well as the international human rights standards each of these countries has pledged to uphold.
Guidelines are given for those who find their rights violated, along with a directory of human rights advocacy organizations which offer assistance.
The booklet is available electronically in HTML and PDF format. Printed copies in nine languages may be obtained by writing to:
Human Rights Director
Church of Scientology International
6331 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90028
or by sending an E-mail to