Psychiatric treatments fail to rehabilitate offenders and, as demonstrated in far too many cases, make them worse. Following are high-profile examples from over the years of violence by those who had already circulated through the corrections system and psychiatric treatment, and the outcome:
STEVEN ALLEN ABRAMS: Plowed his Cadillac into a crowded preschool playground, killing two children and injuring five others.
NATHANIEL BAR-JONAH: Released after two years in prison and more than 10 years in a mental hospital for assaults on boys, now charged with abducting, murdering and butchering a 10-year-old boy.
BUFORD FURROW: Shot a grandmother, a teenager and three children at a Jewish community center, then murdered a mail carrier.
PATRICK EDWARD PURDY: Fired an assault rifle into a schoolyard, killing five children and wounding 29 others and a teacher, then killed himself.
EDMUND KEMPER: Murdered eight people, including his own mother.