“We have to stop putting children on drugs. It may be beneficial for the teacher and some parents, but not for the child. As parents, our goal in life is to lead our children down the right path. They are our life. They are the future.” — Janice Matthews |
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We have to stop putting children on drugs.
The Matthews family deeply appreciates the truths told for the first time in your article “The Fatal Flaw”.
Both the Matthews and Quinn families live with excruciating pain every day.
Parents must be more aware of their teens thoughts, behavior and friends.
As parents, our goal in life is to lead our children down the right path. They are our life. They are the future.
Thank you so much.
— Janice Matthews and the Matthews Family
South Easton, Massachusetts
Bountiful, Utah
Kids Should Not Be Labeled
My family and I greatly appreciate your putting a story like this together. Its eye-opening to see many of the combined faults of Ritalin and other similar medications, but still see at the same time that they are considered a panacea for certain problems in society.
While reading the story, it reminded me of an article I read in a health magazine recently. That story talked about the explosion of cholesterol-controlling drugs patients are getting from their doctorscompanies doing all they can to have doctors give these medications as a first resort, regardless of whatever side effects go along with them, rather than trying alternative, non-drug solutions. So many doctors were pushing the newest of these drugs instead of just pushing the issue of eating better and exercising more.
Sounds all too familiar when it comes to Ritalin and the other psychiatric medications you mentioned. And as I see it in both cases, money and convenience are the biggest motivators for these bad practices.
I thought the last part of your story was the most importantwhat can you do? This is the meat and potatoes of what society needs to know. Inform people that there are other options that are much safer. Hopefully, many people who read this and the rest of your story will see what we already know and realize: that people, especially kids, do not need to be labeled and then put on a quick fix. And once they believe this, then they can pass this information to others who can use it.
I would be happy to help spread the word of the harmfulness of this drug even more. Thank you again for writing your story.
— Rod Matthews
Shirley, Massachusetts
‘How Could this Happen to Good People?’
“The Fatal Flaw” article had a very special meaning to me. Kip Kinkle’s mother, Faith Zuranski Kinkle, was my best friend in high school. Faith was an exemplary straight “A” student. Our graduating class in our Midwest school consisted of only 39 students. We were very, very close.
We have an alumni association with reunions and quarterly newsletters, so we still communicate with one another. My classmates cannot understand how Kip could have killed both parents, then wounded 22 students.
Faith and her husband worked in the education field and lived in an affluent neighborhood in Oregon. Kip killed his father, waited for his mom to come home, met her in the garage, told her he loved her, then shot her. He waited in the house overnight with both parents dead, then drove to school and shot and wounded another 22 people.
How could this happen to good people? I know that prescription drugs caused this. I am mailing each and every classmate a copy of your magazine so they can have some understanding of what caused this horrific crime, as well as to inform them what these drugs do to children and what has happened to our school system. Thank you for writing this article.
— Kay Griffin
Los Angeles, California
False Beliefs and Dangerous Practices
Your cover report, “Education: The Fatal Flaw,” was well-written and a good combination of facts, cases and professional comments.
The false beliefs and dangerous practices of the biopsychiatrists really are a Fatal Flaw. Their sleight-of-hand trick is to absolve everyone of responsibility to think about and to do what needs to be done to care for our children.
I appreciate your intelligent, passionate defense and ongoing challenge of this particular nonsense.
Good work.
— John Breeding, Ph.D.
Austin, Texas
Health Care Fraud
I salute the editors of Freedom for unearthing the origin of psychiatry’s concept of “chemical imbalances.” [“The Scandal of ‘Kiddie Coke,’” Volume 36, Issue 1.]
Because all psychiatric “disorders” or “chemical imbalances” are invented and totally subjective, it must be concluded that “biological” psychiatrists have jettisoned the science they learned in medical school and are themselves delusional.
The former president of the American Psychiatric Association, Rodrigo Munoz, wrote that psychiatry’s bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, sees “bizarre delusions” as characteristic of schizophrenia because they “are clearly implausible and not understandable and do not derive from ordinary life experience.”
It appears to me that this description of delusion fits the unwavering belief of all “biological” psychiatrists that the disorders they contrive are actual diseases of the brain or “chemical imbalances.”
More important still, the representation of all disturbed thought, emotion and behavior to be diseases needing, even requiring, medical treatments is the biggest health care fraud in the history of the United States.
It is to the everlasting shame of the Congress and every agency of the federal government that they enact and enforce laws to assure the “diagnosis” and “treatment” of every such “disease” and/or “chemical imbalance” that the psycho-pharmaceutical cartel thus votes into existence.
— Fred A. Baughman Jr., M.D.
El Cajón, California
The Latest @ www.freedommag.org
In this classic investigative report, originally published in 1993 in U.S. and European editions, Freedom exposed the sources of Slobodan Milosevic’s reign of terror – psychiatrists Jovan Raskovic and Radovan Karadzic, whose theories led to the concentration camps and mass torture, rape and extermination of the innocent. www.freedommag.org |