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Human Rights and Freedoms
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Human Rights and Freedoms
Freedom Magazine Published by the Church of Scientology since 1968
Three Decades of Reform

Throughout the centuries, men have sought to define and protect their fundamental human rightsthose birthrights all men innately hold as their own. Men have also sought ways to ensure that if their governments did not actively protect those rights, they at least did not actively trample upon them.
Since the publication of its first issue by the Church of Scientology in the United Kingdom in 1968, Freedomnow published in 15 countries in nine languageshas been just such a catalyst for reform. Freedom has also provided an outlet for voices that might otherwise never be heard.
A decade later, it is a year of multiple anniversaries in the field of human rights: the 10th of Freedoms Human Rights Leadership Awards, the 30th of Freedom itself, and the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rightsforged in the hope of fostering a world in which basic rights and freedoms of every individual are recognized as inherent.
In this special anniversary issue, we revisit some of the significant stories of these past three decades and pay tribute to the men and women of indomitable spirit who have worked to create a better world.
Through this review of events and those who have shaped them, we also hope to inspire vows to do ones part to ensure that history either willor will notrepeat itself. Either vow is a dedication to public service, and one in which complacency has no part.
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Freedom Magazine, a Scientology Publication

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